
The kingdoms, empires and nation-states united by their common worship of Mitras, and the almost omnipotent Church that provides the foundation for their society, codes of law, and hierarchy.

The dark-skinned Easterners are replaced by those with paler skin around the Central Sea, with the tan of the Arcadians fading into cream for the Dartmoori and Aurileaux. The Scythians are paler even than them, and the Slovar and Hyboreans are white even to their hair.

By Chris Sakkas.

Byzants: The last vestige of the mighty Tubali Empire is, ironically, preserved in lands far from Tubal. This place is the last Mitran outpost in the East, though the mitraeum of the Pater was lost to the Tamtuans centuries ago. Some in the West still talk of a crusade to push the Tamtuans into the ocean, but such plans fall on deaf ears while there are fields to plough and swine to herd. Some merchants travel to the rest of Mitradom, bringing silks and glasswork. Byzantas is the empire (or remains of the empire) of the Byzants.

Tartessans: Once the Tubals, the masters of the entire world, the Tartessans are now a divided and diverse people. Many worship the Eastern goddess Tamtu, and their Northern neighbours mock their practice of resting during the day. They are famed for their dance and their charm. Tartessos is the name of the Tartessan kingdom.

Arcadians: Another people much decreased in influence since the time of the Javians, the Arcadians are still quarrelsome and separated into warring city-states. They have a reputation for philosophising as an excuse for laziness. Arcadia is the home of the Arcadians, though some Arcadians live on the Isle of Thule.

Gamars: Little changed from their tribal ancestors, the Gamars utilise the remaining Tubali roads to travel quickly – plaguing and harassing their neighbours. Some Gamars have settled and adopted Mitras, but many of them are still – worryingly – pagan. Others parrot the practices of Mitraism, but replace the sacrifice of a bull with barbaric human sacrifice.

Dartmooris: A dour and solemn people, Dartmoor boasts the largest army of the continent – but its people are still subject to raids and attacks from the Gamars. Dartmoori nobles keep convoluted and inaccurate clan histories to preserve the actions of their ancestors, but it is the captains of industry and guildmasters who are gaining influence among the Illustrious Emperor. Dartmoor is the kingdom (or self-proclaimed empire) of the Dartmoori, though the kingdom rules over Hunyar and Yassir, states that consider themselves culturally distinct from the Dartmoori.

Aurileaux: Aurileaux are a fun-loving people, but the yield from their bounteous fields ends up serving the aristocracy, with little kept for their suffering peasants. The Sun King is inept and distant, more interested in feuds across the sea than taking action to preserve his people. An Aurileau comes from the kingdom of Aurileau, for the most part – some Aurileaux live abroad.

Hyboreans: Sea-borne raiders and the settled descendents of sea-borne raiders, the Hyboreans are muscled, large and obsessed with personal glory. They celebrate violence and strength, with some serving as mercenaries as far away as Byzantas. The kingdom of Hyborea is their homeland, though some also claim the Albion Isles since the common ancestors of the Albish and the Hyboreans came from Tirak.

Slovar: Considered primitive seal-hunters and whale-seekers on the icy edge of the world, it is easy to forget that the Slovar Czardoms contain more people than any other nation in the world. Their taigas are rich with game, as are the frigid Northern seas, and some villages have founded isolated valleys sheltered from the worst storms and snowfalls. Pan-Slovars call their hypothetical empire Slovarakar, but in reality there is no such central government.